Cesa Documentary Films

on DVD Format


Following DVD film is obtainable by purchasing


in Pdf file


Title: A World Inheritance - A DVD Documentary Film



Muhabbet Kemal Koçak


This film deals with Nemrut Mount, its Caldera, and biodiversity. Numerous plant species are illustrated and filmed for the first time in their natural living places. Totally 87 butterflies are recorded and listed here. Environmental problems are mentioned together with their images, and discussed from the scientifical standpoint.   


A CESA Productions © 2006 * Available on 11 October 2006 * For personal use only * Running Time 28 minutes / Narrated in Turkish, subtitle Englishsingle price 50 US $ -

For further information please contact with Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ömer Kocak;  e-mails a_kocak@lycos.com or Asst. Prof. Dr. MuhabbetKemal  muhabbet_kemal@lycos.com

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